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The Washington Brief Ep. 42: National Security Dominoes: Threats & tests the U.S. President will face with Fred Fleitz

Livestreamed October 1, 2024

Tensions are rising with China, North Korea, Russia and Iran, sometimes referred to as the axis of authoritarianism. The likelihood of conflict is also increasing. How is the chaotic rhetoric of this election cycle playing in the strategic planning rooms of Beijing, Pyongyang, Moscow and Teheran? All of these adversaries have their favorites in our presidential election, and they all have plans, individually and collectively, to undermine U.S. interests around the globe. Whether the Democrat or Republican wins, we may be in for a rough way ahead.

Join Washington Times geopolitical security expert Fred Fleitz, along with moderator Amb. Robert Joseph, Senior Scholar at the National Institute for Public Policy and Dr. Alexandre Mansourov, professor of security studies at Georgetown, as they examine the security challenges both parties face going into our national election.

🎥 Media Coverage: Coming Soon

The Washington Brief Ep. 41: Special Security Challenges in the U.S. Election Season: War by any name but war with Guy Taylor

Livestreamed September 3, 2024

Some have observed that the U.S. is under attack everywhere in the world, but without actually being in combat. Cyber attacks are increasingly the first shots fired in combat, whether declared or undeclared. We are “involved” in Ukraine, Gaza, Taiwan and the
Korean Peninsula. Meanwhile, at home we could not be any more divided short of getting physical. And we haven’t a clue who has come across our southern border on Biden-Harris’ watch. The threat assessment is high.

Join Washington Times National Security Editor Guy Taylor, along with moderator Amb. Joseph DeTrani, former U.S. envoy to the six-party talks and Dr. Alexandre Mansourov, professor of security studies at Georgetown, as they examine the security challenges both parties face going into our national election.

🎥 Media Coverage: Coming Soon

The Washington Brief Ep. 40: Part 1 and 2: The Middle East Conflicts: Dangerous geopolitical tentacles with Amb. Haim Koren, PhD

Livestreamed August 6, 2024

It may be that there are no more local conflicts. Every significant fight has the potential for ideological interests, supply chains and consequences that spread around the world. That makes these times extremely dangerous. Pipelines running between North Korea, Iran, Russia and China need to be watched, analyzed and confronted by the free world.

Join Amb. Haim Koren, Israeli diplomat and former ambassador to Egypt and South Sudan, along with Amb. Joseph DeTrani, former U.S. envoy to the six-party talks and Dr. Alexandre Mansourov, professor of security studies at Georgetown, as they examine the Middle East in the context of conflicting interests in Europe and the Indo-Pacific.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Washington Times

The Washington Brief Ep. 39: Russia and North Korea: The Unholy Alliance with Daniel N. Hoffman

Livestreamed July 2, 2024

Russia’s “Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with North Korea” is a threat to South Korea, Japan, Northeast Asia and the U.S. What does it mean for South Korea’s security and how should Presidents Joe Biden and Yoon Suk Yeol respond?

Join Daniel N. Hoffman commentator and former CIA Moscow station chief, along with Ambassador Joseph DeTrani, former U.S. envoy to the six-party talks and Dr. Alexandre Mansourov, professor of security studies at Georgetown, as they discuss the geopolitical implications of Russia’s alliance with North Korea.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Washington Times

,The Washington Brief Ep. 38: Speaker Newt Gingrich’s Take on the Asia Pacific: Difficult and frightening questions need to be addressed with Speaker Newt Gingrich

Livestreamed June 4, 2024

There is talk of formally ending the Korean War and removing U.S. troops. What are the implications of such? Can the U.S. regain its leadership in deterrence after our disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan? China is dangerously outpacing the U.S. in military production. Is Washington paying attention? China, Russia, Iran and the DPRK are united, while we don’t even know who’s coming in through our southern border.

Join Speaker Newt Gingrich U.S. Speaker of the House of Representatives (1995-99), public affairs commentator and futurist, along with former six-party talks envoy Amb. Joseph DeTrani and Georgetown University security studies professor Dr. Alexandre Mansourov as they examine events that are advancing toward us very fast.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Washington Times, YonHap News, The Korea Times, Asia Today, MBC Broadcast and Print Korea, Z News, News 1Korea

The Washington Brief Ep. 37: Policy and Strategy in an Age of Expanded Threats: Unpacking the U.S.-Japan-Philippines trilateral summit with Lt. Gen. Wallace 'Chip' Gregson

Livestreamed May 7, 2024

Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida and Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. had a successful visit that strengthened our commitment to the security of both nations regarding their concerns about increased security threats including China's aggressive behavior in the South and East China Seas. What adjustments of thinking and policy should be undertaken in the wake of that meeting?

Join Lt. Gen. Wallace ‘Chip’ Gregson (USMC ret), former Commanding General of the Marine Corps Forces Pacific and Marine Corps Forces Central Command; and former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs, along with former six-party talks envoy Amb. Joseph DeTrani and Georgetown University security studies professor Dr. Alexandre Mansourov as they examine national strategy options in a world grown more perilous than ever before.

🎥 Media Coverage: Coming Soon

The Washington Brief Ep. 36: Making Peace with North Korea: Diplomacy is the art of the possible with Dr. John Delury

Livestreamed April 2, 2024

There is no trust between Pyongyang and the Seoul/Washington alliance, but there may be a couple of pathways to the DPRK. One is China. Chairman Mao said China and North Korea "are as close as teeth and lips,” but careful observers see indications this is not the case. Second, President Kim is not oblivious to economic incentives. Under the right conditions, Kim Jong Un might talk, if not with South Korea, then with the U.S. He certainly has before. It takes a president to speak to a president. A conflict on the Korean Peninsula would have no winners, only losers. Nobody wants war. Not the U.S. or South Korea. Not China and not even North Korea. The success of any outreach to the DPRK depends on the framing of it. And timing.

Join guest panelist Dr. John Delury, Professor of Chinese Studies at Seoul’s Yonsei University and an expert on North Korea, along with moderator Amb. Joe DeTrani, former special envoy to the six party talks and Dr. Alexandre Mansourov, professor at the Center for Security Studies at Georgetown University for a compelling discussion on what’s possible.

🎥 Media Coverage: Washington Times

The Washington Brief Ep. 35: Is Kim Jong Un Preparing for War? with Mr. Robert Manning

Livestreamed March 5, 2024

We've all grown used to bluster and graphic threat talk in Korean Peninsula geopolitics. But a decision to go to war is strategic, with careful planning behind closed doors. Analysts have always assumed the DPRK’s Kim Jong-un would never pull the trigger on an all-out war because he knows his country would not survive. But what if North Korea’s and the U.S.-Korea-Japan alliance’s perceptions of reality are completely different? What if our assumptions about how Kim Jong-un thinks, are wrong? Join guest panelist Mr. Robert Manning, Distinguished Fellow, Stimson Center Reimagining Grand Strategy program and Global Foresight Hub; Amb. Joe DeTrani, former special envoy to the six-party talks and Dr. Alexandre Mansourov, professor at the Center for Security Studies at Georgetown University for a compelling discussion.

🎥 Media Coverage: Washington Times

The Washington Brief Ep. 34: Indo-Pacific Enters Uncertain Territory with Hon. James R. Clapper

Livestreamed February 6, 2024

China failed in their efforts to intimidate the Taiwan electorate and ensure the defeat of the Democratic Progressive Party candidate, Lai Ching-te. North Korea's Kim Jong Un's bellicose rhetoric, declaring that South Korea is their principal enemy and reunification will never happen, while launching ICBMs and cruise missiles is concerning, as is North Korea providing Russia with weapons for their war in Ukraine. Is North Korea preparing for war? These are troubling developments. Join guest panelist the Honorable James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence and retired Lt. General USAF, along with moderator Amb. Joe DeTrani, former special envoy to the six-party talks and Dr. Alexandre Mansourov, professor at the Center for Security Studies at Georgetown University as they examine the way forward.

🎥 Media Coverage: Coming Soon

The Washington Brief Ep. 33: Catalyst for Conflict on the Korean Peninsula: A belligerent North Korea, aligned with Russia, China, and Iran creates a volatile chemistry with Adm. Harry Harris

Livestreamed January 2, 2024

In mid-December, North Korea launched another solid-fuel, road mobile Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (Hwasong-18) capable of targeting the entire U.S. This, in addition to its new nuclear pre-emptive, first-use policy and its material support to Russia in its war in Ukraine, and to Hamas in its terrorist activities against Israel. How do we get North Korea to stop this escalation and return to negotiations? Previously, North Korea wanted security assurances, economic development assistance and a path to normal relations with the U.S., South Korea and Japan. Is this still possible? Join special guest panelist Admiral Harry Harris (U.S. Navy ret.), former Commander Indo-Pacific Command and former U.S. Ambassador to South Korea, along with former Six-Party Talks envoy and panel moderator Amb. Joseph R. DeTrani, and Georgetown University security studies professor Dr. Alexandre Mansourov for this special New Year discussion.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Washington Times, Korea Times, Korea Herald, Yonhap News Agency

UPF Report

The Washington Brief Ep. 32: Was Biden-Xi Summit a Win-Win, or Lose-Lose? U.S.-China rivalry after APEC 2023 with Guy Taylor

Livestreamed December 5, 2023

Growing economic and security tension between the U.S. and China is at the geopolitical crux of great power competition in today's world — competition defined by an increasingly global divide between democracy and authoritarian autocracy. Friction over everything from North Korea nukes, illicit fentanyl, global trade, the wars in Israel and Ukraine, and the threat of war over Taiwan, hung in the backdrop of the Nov. 15 meeting between President Biden and Xi Jinping. Join Guy Taylor, Senior international reporter and National Security Team Leader at The Washington Times news organization, along with Amb. Joseph DeTrani, former U.S. envoy to the six-party talks and Dr. Alexandre Mansourov, professor of security studies at Georgetown, as they discuss what came of the Biden-Xi summit in San Francisco and what comes next in U.S.-China relations.

🎥 Media Coverage: coming soon

The Washington Brief Ep. 31: North Korea, Iran (Hamas), Russia and China: The Axis of Authoritarianism with Amb. Robert G. Joseph, PhD

Livestreamed November 7, 2023

Experts have referred to the growing collaboration of North Korea, Iran, Russia and China as the “axis of authoritarianism.” North Korea has a well-known missile connection with Iran and is growing closer to Russia and China. Iran's relations with Russia and China have also grown much closer. And now we have a conflict in the Middle East brought on by Hamas, a proxy of Iran. The elephant in the room is that Iran has proven its ability to enrich uranium to weapons grade, and unless we fundamentally change our policy toward Iran, the next Middle East conflict will be even more dangerous than today. And there is always a next time. Join Amb. Robert G. Joseph, PhD, Senior Scholar at the National Institute of Public Policy and a former Undersecretary of State and advisor to President George W. Bush on WMD, along with Amb. Joseph DeTrani, former U.S. envoy to the six-party talks and Dr. Alexandre Mansourov, professor of security studies at Georgetown, as we examine this aspect of the world order.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Washington Times, VOA

The Washington Brief Ep. 30: North Korean Human Rights: Status Quo vs. Revisionist Powers with Greg Scarlatoiu

Livestreamed October 3, 2023

The “status quo camp” includes UN Security Council permanent members USA, the UK and France, the European Union, Korea, Japan and myriad like-minded democracies invested in preserving the current rules-based international order. The “revisionist camp,” led by UN Security Council permanent members China and Russia, includes Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Belarus and of course North Korea, together with others. While China draws great benefits from the existing order, when it comes to human rights they aid and abet states that commit crimes against humanity, such as North Korea. What is the way forward? Is the world going to be bipolar (USA vs China) or multipolar? Or is multilateralism the answer to the conditions we are experiencing today? And how do North Korean human rights fit into that conundrum? Join Asia expert Greg Scarlatoiu, Executive Director of the Committee for Human Rights in North Korea, along with Ambassador Joseph DeTrani, former U.S. envoy to the six-party talks and Dr. Alexandre Mansourov, professor of security studies at Georgetown, as they examine the global clash of values.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Washington Times

The Washington Brief Ep. 29: North Korea Policy Choices: Near-term Challenges, Long-term Goals with Syd Seiler

Livestreamed September 5, 2023

North Korea’s “coercion choreography” seeks to create and exploit extreme shifts in the geopolitical situation to its diplomatic advantage. Apocalyptic threats alternate with ephemeral diplomatic advances while their nuclear and missile programs continue unabated. The challenge we face with North Korea is avoiding such extremes, while keeping a laser focus on reversing North Korea’s growing nuclear threat. Solving the Korean Peninsula impasse requires policy, military and diplomatic creativity. Join Syd Seiler, a four-decades senior policymaker, negotiator and intelligence officer on the Korean Peninsula, along with Ambassador Joseph DeTrani, former U.S. envoy to the six-party talks and Dr. Alexandre Mansourov, professor of security studies at Georgetown, as they discuss the hair-trigger geopolitical flashpoint that is the Korean Peninsula.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Washington Times

UPF Report

The Washington Brief Ep. 28: The New Global Flashpoint: Taiwan and the South China Sea with David Sauer

Livestreamed August 1, 2023

When the world recognized the PRC as the sole government of one China in 1979, Beijing backed off the pressure on Taiwan. But that has fallen by the wayside and China has turned up the heat again. High-profile visits to Taiwan by U.S. leaders, some say, signals a hollowing out of the U.S. “one China” policy? Furthermore, China claims 90% of the South China Sea as historically theirs, including the world's busiest shipping lanes and the territorial waters of other nations. Increasingly, the region looks like a flashpoint in search of a spark. Join David Sauer, former CIA station chief in Asia, along with Ambassador Joseph DeTrani, former U.S. envoy to the six-party talks and Dr. Alexandre Mansourov, professor of security studies at Georgetown, as they discuss the most pivotal flashpoint in the world today.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Washington Times

The Washington Brief Ep. 27: Russia at a Crossroads with Daniel N. Hoffman

Livestreamed July 4 & 5, 2023

Since Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine, Russia has suffered a series of unintended consequences. There are cracks forming in Russia’s autocracy, but how significant are they? From a poor military performance against Ukraine that surprised everyone, to an attention-getting, albeit brief, rebellion from the mercenary Wagner Group – very little about Russia is going according to expectations. The effects are felt in the Indo-Pacific, including China, observing events closely as it eyes its own geopolitical priorities. Join Daniel N. Hoffman, commentator and former CIA Moscow station chief, along with Ambassador Joseph DeTrani, former U.S. envoy to the six-party talks and Dr. Alexandre Mansourov, professor of security studies at Georgetown, as they discuss the situation in Russia and implications worldwide.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Washington Times

The Washington Brief Ep. 26: Challenges to Widening the Human Rights Footprint in the Indo-Pacific with Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett

Livestreamed June 6, 2023

Tom Lantos, congressman and chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee (and Holocaust survivor), created the Congressional Human Rights Caucus that, after his passing in 2008, became a permanent body within the U.S. Congress: the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission.

Today, Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett serves as President of the Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice, established in 2008 in honor of her father. In every part of the world, the Lantos Foundation is committed to giving voice to global citizens living under brutal regimes that ignore basic rights and use ruthless tactics to maintain their power. “The veneer of civilization is paper thin, “Congressman Lantos said. “We are its guardians and we can never rest.” Human rights abuses abound in the Indo-Pacific -- in North Korea, China and elsewhere. The terrain also includes Russia-Ukraine, existentially if not geographically, so the landscape is wide.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Washington Times

The Washington Brief Ep. 25: President Yoon's State Visit in the 70th Year of the U.S.-Korea Alliance with Guy Taylor

Livestreamed May 2, 2023

Republicans and Democrats alike appreciate the alliance and its importance in a region and era overshadowed by China. The Korean President will be welcomed on both sides of the aisle. Amid the pleasantries, however, there are grave issues: the growing belligerence of the China, DPRK, Russia axis; Korea's crucial and rocky relationship with Japan; North Korea's new generation of ICBMs thought to have MIRV capabilities and a reach into any part of the U.S. And more. Join Guy Taylor, veteran international reporter and The Washington Times's National Security Team Leader, along with Ambassador Joseph DeTrani, former U.S. envoy to the six-party talks and Dr. Alexandre Mansourov, professor of security studies at Georgetown, as they discuss the State Visit and what's at stake in the shared future of South Korea and the U.S.

The Washington Brief Ep. 24: The Times They Are a-Changin’: New strategic partnerships in the Indo-Pacific, and new moves within old partnerships with Prof. Dennis Wilder

Livestreamed April 4, 2023

This spring is a time of dueling summits: China’s Xi Jinping was breaking bread with Vladimir Putin in Moscow at the same time Prime Minister Kishida of Japan was visiting President Zelenskyy in Kyiv. We are seeing a sea change in Japan’s attitude toward military and defense. South Korea is talking tougher to China than usual. South Korea’s President Yoon will make an official state visit to the U.S. this month. To complete the perfect storm, President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan will visit the U.S. as well. Join former NSC senior director and analyst Prof. Dennis Wilder, along with former six-party talks envoy Amb. Joseph DeTrani and Georgetown University security studies professor Dr. Alexandre Mansourov in a thought-provoking discussion of high-stakes power dynamics in the Indo-Pacific.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Washington Times

The Washington Brief Ep. 23: Leadership and Issues Analysis of Putin, Xi and Kim: The Axis Challenging Democracy with Dr. Kenneth Dekleva

Livestreamed March 7, 2023

We accept that Russia, China and North Korea are allies with agendas in opposition to the principles of representative democracy. We also know the three presidents who lead these nations with top-down rule, are lynchpin figures whose personalities we should be more aware of and take into consideration when we think about what’s happening with Vladimir Putin in Ukraine, or Xi Jinping finding a path to good relations with the U.S. and Europe while maintaining his relationship with Russia, or Kim Jong-un's likelihood of returning to negotiations. Join veteran analyst Dr. Kenneth Dekleva, Bush Foundation senior fellow, former senior U.S. diplomat and clinical psychiatrist, along with former six-party talks envoy Amb. Joseph DeTrani and Georgetown University security studies professor Dr. Alexandre Mansourov in a thought-provoking discussion of world scenarios for the coming decade.

The Washington Brief Ep. 22: The Korean Peninsula: Strategic Outlook with Mr. Markus Garlauskas

Livestreamed February 7, 2023

Geopolitical strategists must always consider unintended consequences. Brinksmanship on the Korean peninsula increases potential for spillover into a wider conflict that includes China. Likewise, China and the U.S. in conflict over Taiwan could escalate to the Korean Peninsula. Meanwhile, strategists consider the implications of the Russia-Ukraine conflict for East Asia. Will North Korea’s Kim Jong-un’s words and actions doubling down on nuclear missile development cause other nations to become nuclear powers? Join for a lively discussion with our special guest Mr. Markus Garlauskas, director of the Scowcroft Center’s Indo-Pacific Security Initiative and former longtime U.S. National Intelligence Officer for North Korea, along with former six-party talks envoy Amb. Joseph DeTrani, and Georgetown University security studies professor Dr. Alexandre Mansourov.

*This edition of The Washington Brief was pre-recorded on Friday, February 3, before Secretary of State Blinkin postponed his trip to China.

🎥 Media Coverage: YonHap News

The Washington Brief Ep. 21: North Korea Ups the Ante in Strategic Standoff with Adm. Harry Harris

Livestreamed January 3, 2023

North Korea fired two ballistic missiles in the direction of Japan last week, the latest in an unprecedented number of missile tests in 2022. Add to that the North's multiple drone incursions across the DMZ, the latest unexpected reshuffle of senior Korean People's Army officials, and Kim Jong-Un's major policy directions for 2023 to "exponentially increase the country's nuclear arsenal," to mass produce tactical nuclear weapons, develop a new ICBM, and put a spy satellite into orbit. Destabilization has a tipping point, and many forces are converging. Where are we headed in the coming year, and what are our options? Join special guest panelist Admiral Harry Harris (U.S. Navy retired), former Commander Pacific Command and former U.S. Ambassador to Korea, along with former six-party talks envoy Amb. Joseph DeTrani, and Georgetown University security studies professor Dr. Alexandre Mansourov.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Washington Times, Asia Economy, Dong-A International News, The Korea Herald, The Korea Times, News1, Yonhap News, Agency YTN News

The Washington Brief Ep. 20: Challenges in the Indo-Pacific for the 118th Congress with Hon. Steve Chabot

Livestreamed December 6, 2022

The White House and the new Republican majority face a number of stiff challenges, not just with each other, but geopolitically. An observer can anticipate significant attention on the world stage for Taiwan, the Pacific Islands, Korea and Japan and the Quad. With the U.S. being interwoven into all of these. Join special guest panelist Congressman Steve Chabot, current Ranking Member, of the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, Central Asia and Nonproliferation, along with former six-party talks envoy Joseph DeTrani, Georgetown University security studies professor Alexandre Mansourov and former Foreign Affairs Committee member Dan Burton.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Washington Times

December 17, 2022: The Washington Times

The Washington Brief Ep. 19: Cassandra versus Pollyanna: The Korean Peninsula in the Second Nuclear Age with Ms. Allison Hooker

Livestreamed November 1, 2022

The South Korean intelligence community assesses that North Korea may conduct their seventh nuclear test sometime after the conclusion of the 20th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party and the US congressional elections on November 8. Taking into account Pyongyang's recent missile launches, air power demonstrations, artillery drills near the inter-Korean border, and adamant refusal to engage either Seoul or Washington in any diplomatic talks, the Yoon and Biden administrations have been on alert and ready to respond swiftly and forcefully to any military provocations. Join our guest speaker Ms. Allison Hooker, Senior Vice-President at American Global Strategies and former Deputy Assistant to the US President and Senior Director for Asia on the National Security Council staff, for a comprehensive assessment of the current situation on and around the Korean peninsula and discussion of possible ways forward for the United States and its ROK and Japanese allies in light of the growing WMD challenges, conventional military threat, and non-traditional concerns emanating from the DPRK.

The Washington Brief Ep. 18: Unique Strengths of the ROK-US Alliance in Uncertain Times with Gen. Walter "Skip" Sharp

Livestreamed October 4, 2022

The ROK-U.S. alliance is strong today, and we will examine elements that need to be strengthened if we are to meet evolving threats. North Korea launched its third ballistic missile in anticipation of Vice President Harris' recent trip to South Korea and the DMZ. This could escalate quickly with North Korea conducting a seventh nuclear test. General Walter "Skip" Sharp (U.S. Army ret), former commander of combined forces in Korea, will discuss the state of our alliance and our options for response.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Washington Times

The Washington Brief Ep. 17: China and Taiwan on the Edge with Lt. Gen. Wallace “Chip” Gregson

Livestreamed September 6, 2022

Following House Speaker Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, China took unprecedented steps to show its displeasure with incursions into Taiwan airspace and firing missiles over the island. Historical animosities run deep in Northeast Asia, and as China shows an increased willingness to project its power regionally and globally, observers are concerned.

Join veteran China hand Lt. Gen. Wallace “Chip” Gregson (USMC ret) and our expert panel in a discussion that unpacks, not just the China and Taiwan issue, but decades-long volatilities that affect Japan, both Koreas and all the Indo-Pacific nations.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Washington Times

The Washington Brief Ep. 16: The Korean Conundrum with Mr. Robert A. Manning

Livestreamed August 2, 2022

We will explore key questions on the predicament facing the Korean Peninsula: What are the policy and strategic consequences of Kim Jong-un’s frantic race to develop a full spectrum of new missile and nuclear capabilities? The Ukraine war has upended geopolitics. What lessons has Kim Jong Un drawn from Ukraine, which gave up its nuclear weapons and found Russia’s security assurances hollow? How has Ukraine affected Kim’s views and intentions? How has the Ukraine war impacted the roles of China and Russia regarding the U.S. goal of denuclearization of North Korea? Join guest panelist Robert Manning, Atlantic Council senior fellow as we examine new challenges to U.S. extended deterrence and U.S. diplomacy for addressing the Korean Conundrum.

Episode 15: Indo-Pacific Security Update: Both Koreas, China, Taiwan, the Quad (and consequences of the Russia-Ukraine war) with Dr. Patrick M. Cronin

Livestreamed July 5, 2022

Historic tensions on the Korean Peninsula, the Taiwan Strait, and elsewhere throughout the Indo-Pacific region remain potential flashpoints of conflict. Initiatives to manage old enmities and new competition bring their own challenges: the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue or “Quad” (the US, Japan, Australia, India), the Australia-UK-US (AUKUS), and South Korean efforts to improve relations with Japan and tighten the alliance with the United States. The Russia-Ukraine war also poses unexpected consequences for the Indo-Pacific. What are the prospects for peace and stability, and how should U.S. policy proceed? Join the military and geopolitical strategist Dr. Patrick M. Cronin, Hudson Institute Chair for Asia-Pacific Security, and our expert panel for a comprehensive assessment.

Episode 14: Korean Peninsula Issues: The View from the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee with Senator Todd Young

Livestreamed June 7, 2022

Join U.S. Senator Todd Young and our expert panel for a U.S. policy perspective of the two Koreas and Northeast Asia security. South Korea has just inaugurated a new conservative president who seeks closer strategic relationship with the U.S. in pursuit of a non-nuclear Korean Peninsula and raises hopes for improved Korea-Japan relations. The DPRK’s Kim Jong-un launched 14 ballistic missiles this year and invoked nuclear saber-rattling in an address to the 90th anniversary military parade, and China continues to be an imposing presence in the region as well as South Korea’s number one trading partner.

🎥 Media Coverage: VOA, The Washington Times

Episode 13: Moon vs. Yoon: Evaluating the legacy of liberal rule and the outlook for conservative government on the Korean Peninsula with Mr. Doug Bandow

Livestreamed May 3, 2022

As South Korea prepares to inaugurate its newly elected president Yoon Suk-yeol, we invite you to join our expert panel for an in-depth discussion of the legacy of the outgoing liberal President Moon Jae-in and the nation’s hopes, expectations, and our expert predictions of foreign and North Korea policies of the new conservative administration. We will focus on the elements of continuity and change in their respective approaches toward the DPRK, the U.S., China and Japan. This month's forum features Amb. Joseph DeTrani, Dr. Alexandre Mansourov, and special guest speaker Mr. Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Washington Times

Episode 12: How the Russian Invasion of Ukraine is Reshaping the World Order with Lt. Gen. (ret.) Keith Kellogg

Livestreamed April 5, 2022

In a world of interlocking economies, alliances and unintended consequences, nothing is isolated and unaffected by the catastrophic events happening in Ukraine. As Russia grows desperate for a victory, there is talk of Moscow's use of chemical weapons, even tactical nukes. China, despite abstaining in the UN vote, is seen to support the Russian invasion, while also contemplating Taiwan. Economic sanctions by the democratic world and the global social media put Russia into pariah status. Meanwhile, basic energy and food security for many countries is in danger.  Lt. Gen. (ret.) Keith Kellogg is an experienced warfighter, national security advisor and strategic thinker. Join him and our expert panel in a discussion of the evolving world order, even as it unfolds before us.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Washington Times

Episode 11: ROK-U.S. Command and Control in Korea: Strengths and Challenges in Dealing with North Korea with Gen. (ret) Walter “Skip” Sharp

Livestreamed March 1, 2022

The U.S. and ROK have a bond forged in blood, one that has remained militarily strong for more than 70 years. The command of both ROK and U.S. forces in Armistice and during war is complex, evolving, and faces future challenges.

General (ret) Walter “Skip” Sharp commanded the ROK–U.S. Combined Forces Command, the U.S. Forces in Korea, and the United Nations Command, 2008-11, a period that included the sinking of the Cheonan and the North Korea bombardment of South Korea’s Yeonpyeong Island. Utilizing real world examples, General Sharp and our expert panel will discuss the strengths and challenges of this strong, yet evolving, command and alliance.

🎥 Media Coverage: Youhap News Agency

Episode 10: All Quiet on the Northern Front? with Gen. Bernard Champoux

Livestreamed February 1, 2022

While North Korea’s nuclear capability, their growing arsenal of ICBMs and worst-case scenarios, have been the focus of discussion, what are the trends in North Korea’s conventional threat to peace on the Peninsula? Conventional weaponry is actually the arena where all the shooting incidents and deaths of the past 72 years since armistice have happened. Is the conventional weapons threat growing or diminishing? And perhaps most important, what if the U.S. military presence were no longer on the Korean Peninsula?

Join the distinguished Washington Brief expert panel with guest Gen. Bernard Champoux, Lt. Gen U.S. Army (ret); former Commander, 8th Army; former Chief of Staff, UN Command/ROK-US Combined Forces Command/ US Forces Korea, for a stimulating discussion among the most informed thinkers on Northeast Asia and the Korean Peninsula.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Washington Times

Episode 9: Should the Quad become the Quint? with Admiral Harry B. Harris Jr.

Livestreamed January 4, 2022

Should South Korea formally declare common cause in Indo-Asia with India, Australia, the U.S. and Japan? The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) is an ongoing strategic dialogue between the United States, India, Japan and Australia. The dialogue includes the Quad’s annual joint military exercises on an unprecedented scale, which are viewed by the Chinese government as a response to their increased economic and military power. In addition to the PRC, there is the DPRK and the proposed end-of-war declaration and Taiwan of course. They have a lot to talk about, and the obvious missing player is South Korea. Should the ROK make the Quad into the Quint? Can Korea and Japan cooperate militarily? Please join Admiral Harry Harris (USN ret), our most recent Ambassador to Korea, along with our distinguished panel of experts.

🎥 Media Coverage: Yonhap News, The Korea Herald, The Korea Times, The Washington Times

Episode 8: Is it Too Late to Manage China’s Ambitions? with Dr. Michael Pillsbury

Livestreamed December 7, 2021

Their GNP is three-quarters that of the U.S. and growing three times faster. Some say resisting China only makes it more aggressive, and all eyes are on Taiwan. JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon said, “We have to get used to being number two.” Clearly China presents many challenges to the west. Dr. Michael Pillsbury, distinguished defense policy advisor, former high-ranking government official and author of best-selling books about China, sees partial hope in a new piece of legislation, the Pacific Deterrence Initiative.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Washington Times

Episode 7: Contemporary South Korean Attitudes Toward North Korea and Reunification with Amb. Kathleen Stephens

Livestreamed November 2, 2021

Does the younger generation of South Koreans think differently toward the North than their parents do, and especially their grandparents who fought them in a desperate war? What are the implications for eventual reunification? Our guest panelist Amb. Kathleen Stephens, President & CEO of the Korea Economic Institute of America and U.S. Ambassador to Korea (2008-11), will share her thoughts on these insightful questions.

🎥 Media Coverage: VOA, The Washington Times

Episode 6: The Back Channel: What It Takes to Get Kim Jong-Un to “Yes” with Mr. Andrew Kim

Livestreamed October 5, 2021

As the Biden Administration struggles to get the North Korean government back to the negotiation table, our distinguished guest speaker Mr. Andrew Kim, former founding Director of the CIA's Korea Mission Center, and our panel of world-renowned Korea experts examine what needs to be done to persuade the DPRK leadership to move away from its non-engagement policy and return to nuclear talks. Mr. Kim visited Pyongyang numerous times and was directly involved in arranging the top-level negotiations with the North, including both of President Trump’s summit meetings with Kim Jong-un. He will share some of the lessons learned in dealing with the DPRK Supreme Leader. We will also hear his observations and advice regarding what it needs to be done to jump start the dialogue between Washington and Pyongyang.

🎥 Media Coverage: KBS News, Yonhap News Agency, The Washington Times

Episode 5: From Nukes to Human Rights: Jump-Starting the Dialogue with North Korea with Amb. Robert R. King

Livestreamed September 7, 2021

Our panel of the world’s leading experts on North Korea, featuring Amb. Robert R. King, former special envoy for North Korean human rights issues at the Department of State (2009-17), will examine the glaring impasse in the DPRK-US relations emerging in the wake of the US-ROK joint military exercises, the botched US withdrawal from Afghanistan, Pyongyang's apparent resumption of the operation of the nuclear reactor at Yongbyon and demonstrated reluctance to accept vaccine assistance amidst the worsening wave of Delta COVID hitting the Peninsula – all on the doorstep of South Korea’s presidential elections. We’ll look at what Washington and its allies need to do to get the ball rolling again and jump-start international negotiations on nuclear issues and humanitarian concerns, including human rights, with North Korea.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Korea Times, Yonhap News, The Korea Herald, The Washington Times

Episode 4: The Biden Strategy for Dealing with a Nuclear North Korea with Mr. Sydney Seiler

Livestreamed August 3, 2021

In this episode, our guest panelist Mr. Sydney Seiler just returned from five years as the senior analyst for North Korea with the U.S. Forces in Korea, and is now the National Intelligence Officer for North Korea in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. He is the intelligence community’s senior officer for North Korea, responsible for all analysis provided to the President, the Executive Branch and Congress. He will discuss the Biden Administration’s recent policy review for dealing with North Korea, with commentary on prospects for resolving issues with the North.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Korea Times, Yonhap News, The Korea Herald, The Washington Times

Episode 3: Northeast Asia's Alternative Futures in the Shadow of a Rising China with Hon. Newt Gingrich

Livestreamed July 6, 2021

On July 1, the world was given a display of China’s might on the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. Deng Xiaoping, who eclipsed Mao, becoming the “Architect of Modern China,” famously counseled, “Hide your capacities, bide your time.” That China might hold cards it hasn’t shown is a sobering thought. One path: we could see the continued peaceful rise of a China focused on economic prosperity and meeting its domestic challenges. Another: China continues to look outward with coercive diplomacy and an ever-increasing arsenal. Will China have another century of CCP rule? Featuring expert panelist Hon. Newt Gingrich.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Washington Times

Episode 2: Taking Stock of the Biden-Moon Summit: Looking into the Future with Mr. Markus Garlauskas

Livestreamed June 1, 2021

As our diplomacy with Pyongyang proceeds in fits and starts, the international community faces many risks and opportunities in the pursuit of the peaceful resolution of numerous hot button issues with the DPRK and deeply entrenched inter-Korean conflict. For the U.S. and the world, these include nuclear weapons and human rights. For North Korea, these are regime survival, national security, and economic modernization. Korean reunification is the big issue that sits in the back of everyone's mind. We invite you to join a stimulating discussion among the most informed thinkers on Northeast Asia and the Korean Peninsula.

🎥 Media Coverage: The Washington Times

Episode 1: The Washington Brief Launch with Mr. Guy Taylor

Livestreamed May 4, 2021

Amid the continual advances and reversals in our ongoing diplomacy with the DPRK, there are opportunities to pursue the peaceful resolution of issues with North Korea. For the U.S. and the world, the issue is nuclear weapons. For North Korea, the issues are economic and political security. We invite you to join a stimulating discussion among the most informed thinkers on Northeast Asia and the Korean Peninsula.

🎥 Media Coverage: MSN News Korea Service, Yonhap News, The Korea Herald, The Korea Times, The Washington Times